To study the morphological characters of malvaceous crops (Okra)

Horticulture Guruji

Exercise 7

To study the morphological characters of malvaceous crops (Okra)

HORT 211

Malvaceae, also known as the mallow family, is a group of diverse flowering plants. There are 244 genera known in this family with about 4225 species. The most commonly known members of the family include hibiscus, okra, cotton, and cocoa.

1. Vegetative characters:

Habit: Erect herbaceous annual, 1-2m tall.

Root: Tap root, branched.

Stem: Herbaceous (Malva) or woody (Hibiscus), branched, erect or spreading (Sida, Malva parviflora) pubescent with stellate hairs.

Leaves: Alternate,3-7 lobed, hirsute and serrate.

2. Floral characters:

Flower: Solitary, axillary with long peduncle.

Epicalyx: Long, narrow hairy bracteoles.

Calyx: Splited longitudinally as the flower open.

Petals: 5 cm, Yellow with crimson spot on the claw.

Stamens: The staminal column is united to the base of petals with numerous stamens.

Fruit: capsule,

Seed: Non-endospermic

Pollination: Entomophilous. Insects are attracted to nectar, the showy nature of corolla, and protandrous flowers.

Floral Formula and Floral Diagram:

Floral Formula of Okra
Floral Formula of Okra
Floral Diagram of Okra
Floral Diagram of Okra

All Types of Horticultural Crops